Data protection at the University
In its role as an educational provider, an employer and a research-intensive organisation the University holds and processes a significant volume of personal data relating to numerous cohorts of individuals, such as students and prospective students, staff and members of the public.
Most of what we do with personal data has been set out in the privacy notices below, however please note this is not an exhaustive list and you may be issued with a separate notice by the team processing your data:
- Staff Privacy Notice
- Student Privacy Notice
- Alumni Privacy Notice
- Research Participant Privacy Notice
The University has a published Data Protection Code of Practice, which accords with Data Protection legislation and takes into account the guidance published periodically by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
For any queries you may have regarding how the University uses your personal data please contact the Data Protection Officer, Rebecca Messenger-Clark
The University has a new intranet site with information for staff on how to manage and safeguard personal data.
Information for Staff